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What Causes Outlets To Stop Working?

Common causes of non-functional electrical outlets

There are few things as inconvenient as when an electrical socket breaks. Most people don’t give much thought to their electrical wiring until it becomes an issue. If you’ve got an outlet that has suddenly stopped working, you may have more questions than answers. While there are several causes for a broken outlet, many of the solutions are relatively simple. Knowing how to troubleshoot your broken outlet and when it’s time to call a professional can save you time and money.

You Have a Blown Fuse

If the power is out in only one room, you may have a blown fuse. Check the fuse box and look for melted metal and discolored glass. If you notice these signs, then change out that fuse and replace it with a new one. Make sure you are using the correct replacement fuse before screwing it in.

The Outlet Has Burnt Out

Outlets can burn out when too much electrical current flows through them. If the current is too strong, a small fire can occur in the wiring, causing the outlet to stop working. Blackening around your outlet is an indicator that it has burnt out. Your best bet is to call a professional for proper replacement in these situations.

The Slots Are Worn

Outlets can deteriorate over time, especially if they’re continuously in use. The metal contact points and grips designed to secure the hot, neutral and grounding prongs can wear down and create problems with the wiring, eventually tripping the breaker. Make sure you turn off the power before you replace the receptacle. If there are underlying issues with the GFCI and arc-fault, you may need to bring it up to code first.

Your Outlet Is Half-Hot

A half-hot outlet is an outlet where half of it is always ready to provide electricity while the other half requires a wall switch to turn it on. These outlets allow you to operate the lights in a bedroom or living room without continuously turning the switch on and off. To remedy this problem, you may need to flip the room’s light switch to activate it.

The Wires Attached to the Outlet Have a Loose Connection

Electrical wiring may often be to blame for your broken outlet. Over time, wires can loosen due to wear and tear or by moving furniture around without unplugging your electrical cords. Switch your circuit breaker off before you check the wiring in your outlet. Afterward, remove the front plate and pull it away from the wall several inches. If there are loose wires, you have located the reason for your broken outlet. Loose wires are also a dangerous fire hazard. Repositioning the wires should be an easy fix by tightening the screws together. However, if this doesn’t do the trick, you should call a licensed electrician for further guidance.

The GFCI Outlet Is Tripped Elsewhere

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter outlets play a pivotal role in home safety. They are designed to shut off whenever they detect a short and are usually placed in areas where water is present, like kitchens and bathrooms. If your GFCI outlet isn’t working and you’ve checked your circuit breaker, it has likely tripped. Press the “reset” button, and it should become operational again.

Your Circuit Breaker Tripped

Circuit breakers protect your home from electrical fire by shutting off power to overloaded circuits. Sometimes, however, they can trip for seemingly no reason. Check your circuit breaker first if one of your outlets won’t work. Look for a breaker aligned between the “on” and “off” positions. Once you locate it, switch it to “off” to reset it. This may quickly fix your issue without having to call an electrician to come out.

You Have a Faulty Outlet

After you’ve checked for all other potential causes of your broken outlet, there is a chance it could simply be defective. Although it’s uncommon, that doesn’t mean it can’t happen. In this case, your solution is to replace it. If you plan on replacing your outlet on your own, make sure that you turn off your breaker first. Then, carefully disconnect the wires using a screwdriver and remove the outlet cover. You are then ready to connect your new outlet.

If you’re not comfortable replacing your outlet or are still concerned about other electrical issues in your house, contact a professional electrician. Service Minds Mister Sparky’s electricians can provide expert solutions and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure your outlets are in proper working order. Whether you’re looking for solutions for a faulty outlet, electrical inspections or a complete upgrade of your home’s electrical system, our licensed electricians can provide reliable service and peace of mind.